18 St John Street Chambers are delighted to welcome Katie Brown back from maternity following the arrival of Alice in January 2023.
Katie returns to her role as Senior Clerk to the Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence, Costs & Employment, and the Business & Property Departments. Katie has a wealth of experience, having joined 18 St John Street Chambers as a Junior Clerk in 2005.
Katie has been sorely missed and we are delighted to have her back and reunited with her teams.

Direct contact details of the PI and B&P departments are below:
Katie Brown: Senior Clerk | kbrown@18sjs.com | 0161 278 8261 |
Ryan Pugh: Practice Manager | rpugh@18sjs.com | 0161 278 8261 |
Chris Heath: Assistant Practice Manager | cheath@18sjs.com | 0161 278 8261 |
Eden Cobb: Practice Clerk | ecobb@18sjs.com | 0161 278 8261 |
Matt Smith: Practice Clerk | msmith@18sjs.com | 0161 278 8261 |