On 1st December 2022 Richard Vardon successfully appealed a sentence for drug supply before the Lord Chief Justice.
The appeal, inter alia, considered whether buying drugs for personal consumption but with the intention to supply to two friends who would on occasion supply back to the Appellant was a Category 3 offence – selling directly to users – and whether, if so, the role of the Appellant was “significant” or “lesser”.
In addition, the Court re-stated the principles in R v Needham and others 2016 EWCA Crim 455 as to how disqualification from driving should be calculated where an offender receives a custodial sentence which is consecutive to a further offence for another dissimilar matter (extended periods of disqualification).

For further information on Richard Vardon and the Criminal Department at 18 St John Street Chambers please contact Chambers Director James Parks or Senior Criminal Clerk James Hotchin on 0161 278 1800 or crime@18sjs.com