Tanya commenced her Pupillage under the supervision of Rachel Faux in September 2023. During her first six months, she has observed a wide range of cases in the Crown Court, including serious violent and sexual offences. She has also observed hearings in the Court of Appeal.
Tanya has had the opportunity to practise drafting legal advice, Respondent’s Notices in the Court of Appeal and other documents in preparation for hearings including sentencing hearings, bail applications and trials. She has conducted research in a range of areas including Gross Negligence Manslaughter and sentencing historic sex offences committed when the offender was still a child.
Prior to starting Pupillage, Tanya worked as an Assessment Analyst at the Independent Office for Police Conduct, an organisation responsible for handling complaints against police forces in England and Wales. Here she developed an understanding of the police and criminal legal systems as well as reviewing evidence in police misconduct cases.
Tanya has also volunteered at the Citizen’s Advice Service, Manchester Free Legal Help Clinic, and Manchester University’s Legal Advice Centre. Here she developed skills including client care, drafting and providing legal advice.