The latest in our series of Business & Property Department Breakfast Seminars takes place on Tuesday 5th July 2022.
Victoria Roberts will be presenting a seminar on the topic of Car Finance Mis-selling: How to Separate Good Claims from Bad Ones.
This short seminar will deal with how to process a PCP claim from start to finish following the publication of the FCA Report in 2020 on car finance which uncovered wide mis-selling in the motor claims industry. The seminar will not only look at the key breaches of the FCA Rules in such cases but will also consider breaches of the wide-ranging consumer credit legislation together with an analysis of other causes of action and litigation tactics.
Clients will be able to attend in chambers or remotely. A light breakfast of tea, coffee, fruit juice and pastries will be provided from 8am for those who can join us in person. A Microsoft Teams link will be provided prior to the presentation for those attending remotely.
If you are interested in attending please send an email to

For further details on Victoria Roberts and the services of 18 St John Streets Business & Property Department please contact Chambers Director James Parks or Senior Clerk Katie Brown, Call 0161 278 1800 or email b&