We have reached the final two articles of our 12 Blogs of Christmas Countdown! We wanted to take a look back at the blogs we have shared celebrating Women in Law which is something we strongly support here at 18 St John Street Chambers.
At number 2, is the blog that shares personal experiences from a number of our female barristers and their own individual stories.
As a Chambers that has over 50% female barristers it highlights how far the law culture has come over time and how much we strongly support and encourage this.
To read the full article please click here.
Coming in at number one as the most significant blog of 2021, is an article written by Chambers Director James Parks about two of the most influential women in law to date, Lady Hale and lawyer Helena Normanton KC.
The article details the unveiling of a plaque at the former home of Helena Normanton KC dedicated to her, and unveiled by Lady Hale.
Helena Normanton KC was the first woman to practice as a barrister and lead murder trials in the English Courts, including being the first to run a murder trial at the Old Bailey and one of the first two women to be made a King’s Counsel.
To read the full article please click here.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us here at 18 St John Street Chambers.
For further information on 18 St John Street Chambers please contact Chambers Director James Parks on 0161 278 1800 or jparks@18sjs.com